NONE (ALL) OF THIS IS ME is an NFT I created using neural networks and AI. The video was fully generated by a GAN that ran off of a custom dataset of 850 different photos of my face, taken by over 100 different photographers over the course of my 5 year career as a model.

The audio was creating by running a GAN on a dataset of my Instagram captions, to generate new blocks of text. I used the generated text with a text-to-speech AI that I trained to mimic my voice. The result is an audio that sounds exactly like me, but I did not write nor speak any of the words. 

NONE (ALL) OF THIS IS ME is an expression of the struggles I face with my own identity, which due to the nature of my job has used by hundreds of artists to create content that I have little to no control over. 

This piece was created in March 2021.